Laboratory and factory metal and alloy melting processes.

FF furnaces consist of 3 different capacity types offering a number of advantages:
Simple and clean melting and bonding operations as regards precious and non precious metals.
FF furnaces can be heated with silicon carbide elements, which ensure high heat concentration within a small space. The heating elements are set inside appropriate spaces in the hot chamber in order to prevent any contact with the crucible.

Temperature control device
Automatic temperature control device with instant temperature display. It provides maximum heating power up to the temperature preset. A proportional device supplies variable quantities of power to the resistors in order to prevent temperature variations.

Platinum/Rhodium thermocouples shielded by a gas-proof ceramic covering set outside the crucible.

Power control
The increasing resistivity of the resistors due to ageing is manually offset by an electronic device and related power gauge.

Heat insulation
The furnace is coated with aluminium silicate refractories, which are classified according to their different thermal conductivity based periscopic resistance. This solution represents the best compromise between heat insulation and campaign of a furnace in working conditions.

The multipurpose crucibles used in FF furnaces are standardized and the size also features on the trademark of the actual furnaces. Apposite pliers are supplied to remove and tilt the crucible. Tilting furnaces sharing the same features are available upon request. (RF trademark).

FF furnaces are made of painted steel; they are compact and can also be assembled on a worktop. The control devices are fitted in the steel frame and set inside suitably aired spaces. The cover is mounted with a parallelogram that keeps the warm side of the insulating plug facing downwards. When the cover is removed the resistors are excluded. The power supply is V220 monophase; the electric equipment complies with I.E.C. standards.

Model A mm B mm C mm a mm b mm c mm Peso Kg. Potenza Kw Temp.°C
FF-2 600 380 420 120 120 120 50 2 1400
FF-5 680 500 500 150 220 150 70 4 1400
FF-10 780 520 530 180 240 180 85 6 1400

No standard feeding for model FF-10: V220 trhree-phases V380 + Neutro.

One-year warranty against manufacturing defects
Data and specifications subject to updating.